miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Pygmalion Effect

Hi everyone! I write tonight because I want to share with you a personal discovery  I had made this weekend. In my opinion I think that It can be useful for this course that is full of difficulties.

 I am going to talk about the Pygmalion effect (maybe you have you heard something about it before) or also known "the self-fulfilling prophesy" . It is the process by which the beliefs and expectations of a person with respect to another affect in such a manner to its conduct that tends to confirm, that is to say that when we have a firm belief with regard to someone, it is finally fulfilled.

Magic? NO, it's about attitude and be positive! 
In the field of psychology, economics, medicine and sociology, several researchers have conducted very interesting experiments on the Pygmalion effect. The most relevant was one made by Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson in 1968, the study concluded that the intellectual development of students is largely a response to the expectations of their teachers and how these expectations are transmitted (If you want more information about I leave here a link where explains better the experiment http://www.energiacreadora.es/ec-4/el-efecto-pigmalion-en-la-educacion/ )

I would also highlight if you look at the biographies of great geniuses, men and women who throughout history have made enormous contributions to humanity, we can see that in many cases there was a person who had a strong hope placed in them. So, that Pygmalion has a scientific explanation: we now know that when someone relies on us and transmits this trust, our limbic system accelerates our thinking increases our clarity and our energy, and therefore our attention, effectiveness and efficiency .

The prophecies tend to take place when there is a strong desire that drives. In the same way that fear tends to occur to cause what is feared, confidence in oneself, even infected by a third party, can give us wings.


2 comentarios:

  1. Related to your post, Patricia, I recommed you the book "Se amigo de ti mismo" by Jose.V.Bonet. Here you have the pygmalion effect widely explained. I agree with you: our thoughts become actions. We¨ll talk about this interesting point at class. Thanks vey much.

  2. I am sure you can with third and more....
